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Aftertesting every single quarter-wave plate in the lab, we stumbled upon usingprisms instead (as Dr.Noe explained Khristine Horvat had done). Yiwei and I have been tryingto find an appropriate method to circularly polarize the laser beam.

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Of course, the former isunexpected while the latter was expected. This is similar to what happened when Itried to convert higher-order pseudo HGs. However, when experimenting withhigher-order plates, it creates several first-order singularities thatdon't converge into one dark core. The beam convergesinto what seems to be a HG and then into a vortex and into another HGthat's orthogonal to the first one. What's interesting to note is thatthese plates work very similarly to mode converters. Using Nityan's spiral zone plate, I wasable to get nice order-1 vortices. It was rather ugly and required significant Maple work.Recently, I've been messing around with the idea of the circularlypolarized optical vortex tweezers.

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Infinity Blade 2 Cracked App Download High QualityĪbout two weeks ago, I completed the calculations for Marty's question,proving that tilted lenses or mirrors can't in fact create a perfect modeconverter.

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